
Voter Resources

Election Ready Fact Sheet

Early Voting Locations

Be aware of the various deadlines for the August and November elections, especially if you may be traveling or otherwise unable to be present on election day.

Voter Registration

Your can register to vote, updated your contact information and signature online. The deadline is July 22nd to be processed before the August 20th Election.

How to Vote

Track Your Ballot

Know if you ballot is at all times. Was it mailed, received at all times or intercepted by someone else?

Election Integrity

Fact Sheet:

If you want to be part of election integrity, volunteer to be a poll watcher or paid poll worker. Every eye on the process is a step toward improving election integrity.

Poll Workers:

Poll Watcher:

Ballot Information

August Ballot

November Ballot

Ballot Amendments

There are six important amendments on the November ballot. It's critical that we are all informed. Amendment 3 pertains to Marijuana and Amendment 4 in particular regarding abortion rights and fetal viability.

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